The story continues...
Abby was exhausted after her day with the Spensers. She spent much of the morning consoling Cici while they waited in the emergency room. Cici’s wrist was broken, but it was the kind that should heal fine. Abby also helped Bethany pick up the embossed place cards, select the perfect color of ribbon and Jordan almonds for wedding favors, and find a new pair of shoes for Mary. On the trip back to the house, Abby sat in the front of the cab while Bethany and the bridesmaids discussed wedding plans in the back. Abby sighed and thought of Ed; she hadn’t seen Ed since that morning’s limo incident. She remembered how it felt when he held her in his arms and felt a flush come to her cheeks. She recalled how awful Ed’s mother and brother were to him and recalled how angry Ed had been that morning. She hoped he was doing okay.
In one of the many stores she visited that day, Abby had bought Ed a funny little stuffed monkey with long spindly arms and legs and a cute little face. Abby had hoped to see Ed before the evening festivities but Bethany informed her that Teddy, William and Edmund were still out running errands. Bethany begged Abby to go in her car to the dock and Abby finally agreed. She decided to leave the monkey and a note for Ed.
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