The story continues...
On the front porch of the huge white house, Abby waited between the pillars and admired the scenery as dusk settled on the landscape. The bride, Bethany came out on the porch and smoothed down the bottom of her navy blue silk dress with her hands. She looked deep in thought and only acknowledged Abby with a nod. Instead of heading towards her car, Bethany ran back into the house after muttering something about “my memory.” It was at that instant that Abby had a strange feeling that she was being watched. She felt as if cold fingers traced down her spine and her heart immediately sped up. Although Abby no longer talked about it with even her closest friends, she had been the victim of a stalker in the past. That evening, the feeling of being watched reminded Abby of that long-forgotten fear and she began trembling. She stepped back towards the door and scanned the front yard for a person. However, with the huge trees and draping moss, and it growing darker by the minute, Abby couldn’t pick out a human form.
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