The story continues...
Ed watched Abby attending to Cici who was crying and carrying on a little bit too much. He swallowed a touch of jealousy that Abby was attending to Cici instead of him. The limo driver was pacing back and forth in front of the limo hollering into his cell phone. From his yelling, it was clear he was terrified of what Mrs. Spenser would do once she learned of the incident.
William arrived sometime later, racing up in his silver Cadillac SUV. William stayed in the driver’s seat and kept the SUV running. Abby opened the door to help Cici into the passenger seat and was aware that William was staring at Abby’s chest. His glare made Abby nervous as she helped with Cici’s seatbelt; Abby was glad we she could close the door and return to the others clustered around outside of the SUV. After the group situated themselves in the SUV, William was the first to speak.
“I tried calling you, Teddy. Why is your cell phone disconnected?” barked William.
“I had to get a new number. Kept getting harassing phone calls at all hours,” Teddy said from the back of SUV where he and Ed were squatting. It was easy to see that both men were not pleased to be in the back end of the SUV. Abby was squeezed beside Bethany and the other bridesmaid, Mary in the back seat. Abby couldn’t have physically turned around to see Ed or Teddy if she had wanted to.
Mary asked, “Is that why you changed your cell phone number, Bethany?”
“Yes,” Bethany replied, frowning.
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