The story continues...
Squeezed into a limo heading toward Savannah, Abby watched Ed who was seated across from her. Teddy talked about how Bethany and Ed and he had gone to grade school together. Bethany giggled at the discussion and she poked her brother, Ed in the arm repeatedly until Ed grumbled, "Stop it."
“Don’t mind him, Teddy. He’s had a tough morning,” Bethany announced.
“Sorry to hear, Edmund,” Teddy said, “We’re here for you.”
Edmund nodded. Teddy seemed genuine and Abby liked that about him. He and Bethany appeared very much in love. It was fun to watch Ed’s sister excitedly talk about the wedding festivities. She was just describing what their wedding cake would look like when the limo swerved, breaks squealed, and the limo fishtailed for a few awful seconds on the shoulder of the road. Abby pitched forward but was able to grab the overhead bar? Ed slammed against the side panel and let out a grown. One of the bridesmaids, Cici was flung onto the floor. It happened so quickly that no one screamed. The driver opened the door and apologized over and over again with a terrified look on his face. He explained that a white SUV had forced them off the road. There were no other cars around and the SUV was of course, gone. Ed rushed towards Abby and took her into his arms in a big bear hug.
“You okay?” he asked.
“Too tight,” Abby choked. Ed loosened his hug, keeping Abby pressed against his chest. She put her head on his shoulder and the smell of his musky aftershave was intoxicating.
“I’m okay,” she said, “You?”
“Yeah,” he said, stroking Abby’s hair. He could feel her breasts pressed against him and he slowed his breathing to match hers.
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