The story continues...
Ed focused on eating his sausage and toast with his left hand, his mind buzzing with his mother’s fresh insults. He didn’t want to relinquish his right hand which was held tightly by Abby’s hand under the table. Her hand was so soft but strong. Somewhere in his brain he wondered what it would feel like to have her hands on his body. Unfortunately, his feelings of rejection, anger, and guilt pushed that far away.
“I’m so sorry, Abby. I am glad you are here. Both of you,” Bethany said, her voice shaky, her eyes moist with tears.
Ed dropped his head and didn’t look at either of the women at the table.
“Sorry,” Ed said, letting Abby’s hand slip from his and rising from the table, “Going for a walk.”
“Ed?” Abby asked, turning, “Would you like company?”
“No. No. I want to be alone,” Ed said.
After several minutes of silence, Abby excused herself. Bethany jumped up and gave her a hug again. They both seemed at lost for words after the events of breakfast. Abby was a bit relieved that she left when she did; because four people who appeared to be guests descended the staircase as she approached it. Abby really didn’t feel like meeting more new people.
She showered and unpacked her suitcase. She was startled by her cell phone ringing and finally found her phone in her purse. It was Cheryl, wanting to know juicy details about her first night with Ed. Abby explained to her about her migraine and meeting Ed’s sister and mother.
“Well maybe you can wear those red undies and make Ed feel better,” Cheryl said, giggling.
“Cheryl!” Abby cried in surprise. She heard Cheryl’s baby squeal in frustration in the background.
“Just routing for you, Abby. Besides, I have to live vicariously through you,” Cheryl said.
Abby was quiet for a few moments. “Abby?” Cheryl asked after picking up her daughter who cooed in appreciation into the phone.
“Hi Macy,” Abby said.
“You okay, Abbs?” Cheryl asked.
“I shouldn’t have come. I don’t know if I can do this,” she said, her eyes brimming with tears.
“Hey. Hey. It’s okay. You can do this, Abbs. Remember you went to support Ed; because he is important to you,” Cheryl said.
“Yeah, I’m crazy,” Abby said, trying to make herself smile.
“Because you luv him,” Cheryl chimed in a sing song voice which made Macy bust out in giggles into the receiver.
Abby talked with Cheryl for a few more minutes then let her go. She didn’t know if Cheryl was right or not.
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